Car Locksmith

Complete Automotive Locksmith Services in Nazareth, PA, and Easton, PA

Guy looking at his keys that he's locked in his car (top), cutting a car key with a laser cutter (middle), and a car key broken off in the ignition lock (bottom).

We can handle all your automotive locksmith needs including emergency lockout service (top), cutting new keys for your car, truck, or van (middle), and extracting broken keys from automotive ignition locks (bottom).

One way to make your life easier when you get locked out of your car is to have a reliable car locksmith you can call at any time, knowing that in a short amount of time, you will be back on the road, or maybe just in your garage. If you live in the Nazareth, PA, and Easton, PA area, that auto locksmith is Sprouse’s Locksmith, your most trustworthy local locksmith in the entire Lehigh Valley.

As a second-generation locksmith, Sprouse’s Locksmith has a lifetime’s worth of experience in car door lock repair, car ignition repair, car key duplication, car key replacement, and much more! Additionally, all of our techs are licensed and certified, which means we will always do our best to satisfy your car locksmith needs. As an additional service, we offer emergency locksmith service, which means you will never be left out in the rain. Just give us a call and we will show up right away and get you back on your feet in no time at all.

Full-Service Car Locksmith Services in Northampton County, PA

For your satisfaction, these are some of our main products and services, but we are good at resolving almost any issue, so don’t hesitate to ask about locksmith services not included on the following list:

  • car key fob
  • car lock repair
  • car locksmith
  • car unlock service
  • chipped key
  • computer car chip key
  • fix broken ignition locks
  • high-security car key
  • key fobs
  • key programmer
  • laser car key
  • laser key cutting
  • programming remotes (for most cars)
  • programming transponder keys and smart proximity remote keys (for most cars)
  • rekey car lock
  • replacement car key
  • transponder key programming
  • key duplicate cutting

We Offer Our Veterans and Seniors a Discount on Labor

Sprouse’s Locksmith is the most professional local locksmith service in the Nazareth, PA, area. So if you locked the keys in your car, or lost your keys, simply pick up your phone and call our 24-hour emergency lockout service.

We’ll come to you in our fully-outfitted locksmith van to open your locked car, open your locked trunk, pick your car door lock, or unlock your car door with a long-reach tool, while you watch and stop worrying about being late for that important appointment.

Finally, we understand how valuable our seniors and veterans are, and as a thank you, we offer 10 percent off our labor costs. Simply ask and we will apply the discount accordingly. When it comes down to needing a car locksmith, nothing is better than somebody locally known with a full lifetime of experience at getting the job done right, so give us a call and let us know how we can help you be on your way once and for all!

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